十大彩票网赌平台 has partnered with Parchment to provide a simple and convenient way to order replacement diplomas online. The process is quick and easy, and you’ll receive automated status updates via email to track your order.
Your replacement diploma will be mailed via USPS to the address you provide when ordering, typically arriving within 7-10 business days. The cost for a replacement diploma is $20. Please be aware that if you have a financial hold on your account we will be unable to process the order and your order will be canceled and refunded.
What You’ll Need to Place Your Order
- A valid email address to set up your Parchment account (if you don’t already have one)
- Your 十大彩票网赌平台 student ID number or Social Security Number
- The program name for which you are requesting the diploma
- A credit or debit card for payment
If you experience any trouble, please see the instructional video on how to order a replacement diploma.
Order your Replacement Diploma
Preferred Name
When ordering Parchment will ask you if you would like a preferred name on your diploma, see the guidelines below for this option:
Certificates and Diplomas are considered ceremonial documents. Therefore, we will print your preferred name on your certificate or diploma, but you must indicate as such on your graduation application. We will not automatically print your preferred name on your certificate/diploma. However, please be aware that using a preferred name on your certificate/diploma may result in rejection, delay, scrutiny, and/or requirements for additional proof of identification associated with your application for employment, licensure, credentialing, visa application, and/or other processes that require verification of your education records. Your legal name will appear on your transcript as that is a legal document.
Some examples of preferred name options for a certificate/diploma can include:
- First name, initial, or an alternate form of first name
- First name “preferred name” last name - Michael “Mike” Smith
- First name (preferred name) last name - Michael (Mike) Smith
- Preferred name last name - Mike Smith
- First name which conforms with the graduates genuine expression of gender identity
- Middle name, initial, or omission of middle name all together
- If graduate has multiple last names or a hyphenated last name, graduates can choose to only list one last name
We will not print additional last names or an entirely different last name than what is in our system unless you complete a legal name change form.